• February 7, 2025

“I Show People How to Live Rich” Netflix Gives Ramit Sethi a Show 2023

The author of How to Get Rich is taking it to TV.

Netflix is airing an unscripted series based on Ramit Sethi’s 2009 New York Times bestseller “I Will Teach You to Be Rich.”

Sethi advises struggling Americans in New York and California on debt, saving, and budgeting for six weeks on the show.

The author of “I Will Teach You to Be Rich” is taking his financial advice on the road.

Ramit occasionally advises differently. He won’t recommend giving up gourmet coffee. “Spend extravagantly on the things you love, as long as you cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t,” he advises, and “buy all the lattes you want.” In the new show, he advises on using psychology to not be frightened of spending money by prioritizing what’s most essential, and he doesn’t discourage big-ticket purchases like weddings.

Traditional money advice says ‘no’ to lattes, vacations, and enjoyment. “Money is about saying YES to a Rich Life,” Sethi told The Hollywood Reporter. “I’m excited to launch How to Get Rich on Netflix to share my approach to saving more, investing more, and spending more on what you love with a wider audience.”

The eight-episode series premieres April 18, National Tax Day.

Ramit Sethi’s new Netflix show is covered here.

Ramit Sethi?

California middle-class Ramit Sethi grew up. According to his website, he started his financial odyssey by applying to over 60 scholarships to attend Stanford University for undergrad and grad school.

He squandered half of his first scholarship check investing in the stock market instead of paying for Stanford. He studied technology and psychology to understand about money after the loss.

He founded iwillteachyoutoberich.com in 2004 while a Stanford student to offer his skills.

According to Business Insider, Sethi’s financial coaching classes have helped thousands establish firms.

In 2019, Sethi released a second edition of his book with a 6-week money management curriculum, and he presents a podcast called “I Will Teach You to Be Rich.”

The entrepreneur also published Sethi.

Ramit Sethi’s Net Worth?

Multiple sources estimate Ramit Sethi’s net worth at $20–25 million. In a 2019 CNBC article, Sethi called himself a “self-made millionaire.”

Before his show premiered, he told CNBC he saves his limitless spending on health, books, and friends’ fundraisers.

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