• October 23, 2024

The Mental Health Benefits of Movie Watching

Watching movies may be more than simply a hobby or leisure activity; it can also be good for your mental health.

Read More: Cliffy Media

For a long time, watching movies has been thought of as only a leisure activity to do when you have some free time away from your obligations in life.

Having interests that help you balance your personal and professional lives can be beneficial, even while excessive screen time can be detrimental.

What are the advantages of seeing films?

There are several advantages to movies for mental wellness.

Boost your mood

Spending some time watching a movie might lift your spirits whether you suffer from depression or anxiety disorders, or if you’re just worried and stressed out about your obligations to your family and job.

A 2016 research discovered that engaging in leisure activities like viewing movies helped improve mood and lessen depressive symptoms.


A 2017 study found that enjoyable diversions and entertainment may offer rejuvenating and restorative effects.

It may be simpler than you think to unwind while watching a movie. During the movie, it could be a good idea to remove any unneeded distractions.

If you find it difficult to detach yourself from work or other everyday stresses, think about putting your phone and other electronics in another room or in “do not disturb” mode so that you are only contacted in an emergency.

It may be possible for you to focus your attention on the story you’re following without interruptions, which might lead to a more relaxing experience.

After a demanding day, a romantic comedy or musical, or rom-com, could be the perfect diversion you need to unwind.


In several ways, watching movies may serve as motivation.

Taking a mental vacation from work to engage in something pleasurable might inspire you to return to work more productively and prevent burnout.

If a movie shows someone pursuing their goals and succeeding, it could inspire you to follow in their footsteps. A 2020 research suggests that it could also motivate you to start a new pastime or aim for a different objective.

Boost communication in partnerships

Whether it’s your child, closest friend, or love partner, viewing movies together might be the perfect way to revive your connection if you’ve noticed a disconnect of any type.

If you select a new movie that you’re both excited about seeing and you have similar taste in films, it may be quite beneficial.

Not only will you become closer while viewing, but when you talk about what you saw later on, you can experience a fresh sense of unity.

lessen tension

A good comedy may make you feel less stressed. According to a 2016 study, laughing can lower the body’s levels of stress-inducing chemicals including cortisol and adrenaline.

Think about watching a drama or tearjerker if you’re not in the mood for humor. A 2020 study found that crying may also reduce blood cortisol levels.

Encourage introspection on social and cultural issues

You could find that seeing movies that tackle difficult subjects makes you think differently.

Watching movies may help enlighten and educate, whether you want to start a debate about a different point of view or have a better understanding of a current societal issue.

What does movie therapy entail?

Seeing movies may be therapeutic in addition to being amusing and a way to decompress after a demanding day.

Psychotherapy occasionally incorporates cinema and video treatment. According to a 2021 study, therapists may utilize this kind of treatment to introduce you to a character who could be going through a comparable emotional situation.

It could also inspire you to view your circumstances differently, which could lead to fresh approaches of coping.

A video (documentary) or commercial film on your difficulties may be selected by a therapist. You may be told to watch a movie with the similar premise if your love relationship isn’t working out.

Additionally, you may be required to complete therapeutic activities prior to, during, or following your viewing.

Your scenario will determine the movie, genre, and topic that you choose.

Let’s review.

Taking part in enjoyable activities, like viewing movies, might be advantageous. It may improve relationships, reduce stress, and improve mental health.

However, watching movies won’t make your mental health problems go away or cure them. A mental health expert might be of assistance if your symptoms are interfering with your day-to-day activities.

They might be able to assess if movie therapy is a good fit for you and your way of life.