• January 26, 2025

Benefits of Air Purification

The amount of interior and outdoor air pollution is becoming a bigger issue. Interior air pollution can reach five times levels compared to outdoor air pollution, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Because indoor air circulation is less effective than outside air circulation, many airborne pollutants continue to thrive indoors.

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Air purifiers reduce the risk of health issues caused by indoor pollutants, which can aggravate symptoms of asthma, cause respiratory infections, or result in neurological diseases. They accomplish this by renewing stale air. Superior air purifiers shield people’s health from a range of indoor air pollutants.

Benefits of Air Purification

99.7% of the particulate matter (PM) in the air that flows throughout your home may be removed by an air purifier with a HEPA technology filter. Eliminating these pollutants has both immediate and long-term health benefits, including increased life expectancy and better sleep quality.

Lessens Symptoms of Asthma

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in twelve people suffer with asthma. Patients with asthma have inflamed bronchial passages. When allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and hair irritate their lungs, they have trouble breathing.

Many breeds of dogs and cats sweat throughout the year. When these creatures scratch themselves, they release a lot of hair and dander, which keeps the air moving. You could still be susceptible to asthma episodes even if you don’t own dogs because of dust mites, pollen, and tiny indoor pollutants like shoes in the bedroom.

When windows are open, airborne pollen grains enter the house and land on your clothes when you’re outdoors. These might end up on your furniture and in your mattress. The allergens that have collected in old mattresses might be dangerous to your health.

Dust mites are the most common indoor allergens, and they like moist settings. Indoor humidity levels rise when there is little to no fresh air, which provides dust mites with the perfect conditions for breeding. With the help of dead skin cells, they quickly multiply in your bed, carpet, and other upholstered furniture.

Not to mention the potential for rapid bacterial growth in your bed.

Vacuuming your carpet, floors, and bed will remove some of these contaminants, but some will remain in the air. Breathing in polluted air increases the risk of asthma attacks.

Most home air purifiers have HEPA filters, which are designed to gather airborne particles so you breathe clean air. HEPA filter multi-layered meshes are composed of tiny fiberglass threads that are even thinner than human hair. Breathing clean air is made possible by these meshes that collect dust mites, pollens, and pet dander that drift around your home.

Some air purifiers come with replaceable pre-filters that assist gather larger particles, making room for HEPA filters to capture microscopic bacteria. This technology increases the effectiveness of your air purifier. An efficient air purifier keeps the air in your house clean all the time, which reduces the chance of respiratory issues associated to asthma.

Eliminates Hazardous Materials from Indoor Environments

Closing our windows and doors won’t be enough to keep outside pollutants like nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide out of our house. These gases are commonly found in areas with high traffic, which means they can get into your homes. Studies conducted by the National Library of Medicine suggest that exposure to nitrogen dioxide and PM2.5 carbon monoxide increases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

In short, the air pollution outdoors affects how much indoor pollution you breathe in, both in your bedroom and the rest of your house. An air filter is one of the most crucial devices for keeping dangerous contaminants out of the house. A 2015 study found that installing high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters might reduce indoor pollution entering a room by 23 percent.

The toxins from different cleaning solutions may still be polluting the air in your home even if you don’t live in a large city with heavy traffic. Among the dangerous ingredients included in a lot of typical household cleaners are phthalates, ammonia, and chlorine. While brief contact to these substances may not be hazardous, prolonged exposure might result in serious health issues such as cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, or tumors.

Activated carbon air purifiers can eliminate these chemical contaminants from the air, reducing the likelihood of several health problems. This carbon filtration method uses a highly porous form of carbon to capture contaminants and recycle clean air back into the room.

Removes Unpleasant Odors

When some compounds react at room temperature and create an odor during their breakdown, these substances include gasoline, formaldehyde, and benzene. VOCs, also known as volatile organic compounds, are commonly found in paints, aerosol sprays, upholstered furniture, and air fresheners. VOC smells have the power to make you feel nauseous, breathless, and even affect your mental clarity.

It has been demonstrated in earlier NIH study that low VOC levels in ambient air improve productivity and performance. The number of contaminants in indoor air is reduced by the effectiveness of HEPA and activated carbon air purifiers in trapping particles and gases.

You don’t have to worry about your guests being bothered by smoke or the odor of cooking oil and spices while they’re around. Furthermore, you won’t have to worry about room-specific aromas, such sweat or the minute amounts of sulfur-containing compounds in your fart that seep out while you sleep, even if you live alone.

Whatever the circumstance, the room is left fresh and clean once the air purifiers remove any smells.