• October 23, 2024

Anabolic Steroids: What Are They?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic medications that are designed to resemble androgens, the hormones that are naturally present in male sex. The most common form of androgen is testosterone. Physicians use anabolic steroids to treat illnesses including low testosterone (male hypogonadism), certain malignancies, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in order to stimulate the growth of skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual traits.

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In the United States, between 3 and 4 million people take anabolic steroids for non-medical purposes without a prescription. These are the most popular performance- and appearance-enhancing medications (APEDs). They could be used by bodybuilders and sportsmen to improve their physical appearance.

Names of street anabolic steroids

It is difficult to discover slang terms for steroids. Most individuals just mention steroids.

This family of medications is known scientifically as anabolic-androgenic steroids. Anabolic means pertaining to muscular growth. Androgenic describes traits that are more akin to those of men. Even scientists, however, abbreviate it to “anabolic steroids.”

The United States Drug Enforcement Administration lists the following as some of the current common names for anabolic steroids, however these might vary over time:



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Corticosteroids against anabolic steroids

Medications classified as general steroids, or corticosteroids, lower inflammation and suppress the immune system. They’re manufactured in a lab to function similarly to the hormone your adrenal glands produce, cortisol.

Compared to anabolic drugs, doctors administer corticosteroids far more frequently. They could be necessary to treat ailments including multiple sclerosis, lupus, eczema, asthma, and ailments affecting the muscles and joints.

How Do You Use Anabolic Steroids?

Your body’s androgen receptors are activated by anabolic steroids. This indicates that they have the same physiological impact as androgens. They are therefore the perfect remedy for those with low testosterone levels.

Additionally, by inhibiting the development of cancer cells that depend on estrogen for growth, they can assist reduce estrogen levels, which can aid in the treatment of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. Anabolic steroids increase the number of androgen receptors in skeletal muscle, increasing its growth and strength in individuals with cancer or AIDS who are losing muscle.

Uses of Anabolic Steroids

These medications are used by doctors to treat delayed puberty and diseases that cause patients to lose muscle mass and strength. Certain medical professionals recommend it as a testosterone supplementation therapy to enhance elderly men’s mood and libido.

Anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass

Because anabolic steroids enhance lean muscle mass more quickly and drastically when paired with weight training than when done alone, athletes frequently abuse them. muscular dysmorphia, a body dysmorphic condition characterized by an obsession with muscular size and a worry that muscles are too tiny, affects a large number of persons who take it.

Stacking and cycling

Some users “cycle” their anabolic steroid usage, meaning they take the medication for a time, stop for a while, and then start again. A different approach known as “stacking” is consuming multiple anabolic steroid types concurrently in the hopes that this may improve the medications’ effectiveness.


Another form of anabolic steroid use that individuals attempt to avoid negative side effects is “pyramiding”. This calls for a blending of stacking and cycling. One or more anabolic steroids are taken at first in small doses, and the dosage is gradually increased. After reaching your maximum dosage, you take a break from taking them before beginning again.


“Plateauing” refers to the process of staggering, overlapping, or switching to another type of steroid in order to prevent tolerance from forming. No scientific study has demonstrated that any of these techniques enhances the medications or lowers the possibility of side effects.

Key Points

Anabolic steroids are prescribed by doctors to aid in the development of male sexual characteristics and skeletal muscle. However, anabolic steroids are illegally used by 3 to 4 million Americans for non-medical causes, such as increasing one’s appearance and performance (APEDs). If you use anabolic steroids without a prescription, you run the risk of experiencing severe adverse effects that might be harmful to your health. If you are concerned about abusing steroids, discuss potential treatment options with your doctor.

FAQs about Anabolic Steroids

What is the primary purpose of anabolic steroids?

In the United States, between 3 and 4 million people take anabolic steroids for non-medical purposes without a prescription. These are the most popular performance- and appearance-enhancing medications (APEDs).

Are steroids ever safe to use?

Doctors use anabolic steroids to treat illnesses including low testosterone (male hypogonadism), certain malignancies, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in order to aid with skeletal muscle and the development of male sexual traits.

Are steroids for anabolism prohibited?

Using anabolic steroids without a prescription is prohibited.