• January 18, 2025

What Is the Process of a Continuous Inkjet Printer?

Continuous inkjet (CIJ) printers have been one of the most dependable solutions for industrial coding operations since they were first made commercially accessible in the early 1950s. These very big machines, which are usually made of steel and weigh almost 100 pounds when loaded with ink, are intended to mark a range of porous and non-porous surfaces with critical information like lot numbers and best-by dates. Numerous demanding industries can achieve their output requirements because CIJ printers can produce these encodings quickly.

Read More: cij printers

Naturally, if you’re considering adding one of these devices to your production line, you’re probably wondering, “What are the benefits of integrating a continuous inkjet printer into my business and how does it operate?” This post will address precisely that, providing a succinct overview of CIJ systems, their functions, and how they might enhance the contemporary production line.

What Is the Process of a Continuous Inkjet Printer?

CIJ printers work on the fundamental principle of producing a continuous flow of ink, as implied by the term “continuous inkjet.” Two chipped printer cartridges—one holding ink and the other solvent—feed into the printer’s main reservoir to start the operation. A pump pressurizes the combination as these two liquids mix in the reservoir, sending it in the direction of the printhead.

Droplets develop when the ink oscillates due to a piezoelectric device at the printer. An electrode plate then applies an electrical charge to these droplets, causing them to travel precisely in the direction of the substrate. Ink that doesn’t propel itself is put back into the reservoir for later use.

Continuous Inkjet Printers’ Benefits

CIJ models provide industrial printing operations with certain advantages that stem from these fundamental operating principles. You can anticipate the following if you integrate one of these devices into your production line:

Rapid Printing

Compared to other printer kinds, continuous inkjet (CIJ) machines may encode substrates at a higher pace because of their highly pressured nature. As an example, the maximum pace at which a typical TIJ printer can work is 100 meters per minute, but the average CIJ printer can function at three times that speed, or 300 meters per minute. Because of this, CIJ machinery is ideal for high-volume activities like industrial canning and bottling plants. Remember that these are only estimates, and that the actual speeds will vary depending on the number of codes that must be printed on each meter of the manufacturing line. For instance, one line can include just one box per meter, whereas another line might contain ten bottles, each needing its own code.

Dependable Performance

If given the right care, a well-built CIJ printer can effectively finish high-velocity printing operations for years. This is made feasible by the robust structure that some CIJs are renowned for, as well as an autonomous monitoring system that permits quality control.

A Large Selection of Inks Available

A wide variety of inks with different colors, drying qualities, and applications may be used with CIJ printers with reliability. Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)-based inks, which dry in less than a second, may be used with CIJ machines, in contrast to other inkjet models. The most sophisticated retort-proof ink available is HyperCook thermochromic ink, which is another unusual ink choice.

Are You Still Inquiring About CIJ Machines?

Now that the query “How does a continuous inkjet printer work?” has been addressed, We are aware that in order to guarantee the best outcomes, discussing your application with a marking and coding professional will be necessary in order to provide the explanation. Thankfully, our knowledgeable staff at btmark. can respond to your inquiries and point you in the direction of the ideal items for your particular business.